Dial-up phone number.

Lizzy Internet provides local call access to 98% of Australia's population.

Location Dial-up phone number
Australia wide 0198 333 966

Calls to this number are an untimed local call from fixed phones Australia wide. (Call charges will be higher from other phones such as mobiles, please consult your relevant phone company for further information).

  1. Help
  2. Setup the Internet
  3. Setup Email
  4. Dial-up Phone Number
  5. Email Virus Scanning
  6. Email Spam Scanning
  7. Dropouts & Disconnections
  8. Security Software
  9. Free Web Space
  10. Accounts Help
  11. Broadband Help
  12. Dial-up Help
  13. Email Help
  14. Setup Help
  15. Dial-up Turbocharger™ Help