Broadband help.

My broadband (ADSL) connection isn't working. What can I try to fix it?

Try some ADSL/Broadband troubleshooting for fixing some common problems.

If your connection still doesn't work, and your issue isn't addressed by this page, call us on 1300 364 074 or (03) 8330 4950 to discuss the problem.

Can I get broadband (ADSL) in my area?

Please call our helpdesk on 1300 364 074 or (03) 8330 4950 and tell us the phone number you will activate broadband on to find out if you have access in your area.

I've been told that my phone line is incompatible with ADSL.

Some installations of phone lines and services on the lines are indeed incompatible with ADSL. If this is the case, you will not be able to get ADSL with any internet provider.

Here is some information about ADSL incompatibility with RIM and Pair Gain.

My computer doesn't recognise my ADSL modem.
Or, I can't access my ADSL modem's configuration settings from my computer.

Try restarting the modem or computer. Sometimes that's all it takes for a computer to recognise the modem.

The USB or Ethernet sockets might be disabled in the computer's BIOS. Refer to the computer's documentation for how to access the BIOS and enable the USB or Ethernet sockets.

The modem may not have power. If there are lights on the modem that are on or flashing, the modem has power.

The cables may be loose. Try unplugging and replugging the cables connecting the modem to the computer.

The cables may be faulty. Try using a different cable to connect the modem to the computer.

The USB or Ethernet sockets on the modem may be faulty. If there are more sockets, try using a different socket to connect the modem to the computer. Try connecting the same socket of the modem to a different computer.

The USB or Ethernet sockets on the computer may be faulty. Try using a different socket on the computer to connect the modem. Try using a different USB or Ethernet device on the same socket of the computer.

The modem may need drivers installed. If the modem came with a CD, try installing or reinstalling the drivers from the CD.

The computer may need its network configured correctly. Try changing the TCP/IP settings for the network to obtain its IP address automatically.

The computer may be running security software that prevents the computer from accessing the modem's configuration. Try disabling any firewall, internet security, anti-virus, or other security software.

My USB modem isn't installing the drivers.

Try these suggestions further down this page for getting your computer to recognise your modem.

If your USB modem still isn't working and you're running a recent Windows operating system, try these steps:

1. Click your Start menu, click Control Panel (it may be under Settings), and click System.
2. Click the Hardware tab, and click Device Manager.
3. Look for a yellow exclamation mark next to a name like USB NET CARD. Click this line so that it is highlighted.
4. Click the Action menu, and click Update Driver.
5. Click Install from a list or specific location.
6. Place your CD into your computer's CD or DVD drive and follow the prompts to install the drivers from the CD. It is OK to ignore any messages about the drivers not being certified.

I'm installing a modem I bought from Lizzy Internet, and I'm getting a warning about drivers not being certified.

This message means that Microsoft has not performed its own testing on the drivers.

We have confirmed that the drivers work when installed correctly, therefore it is safe to ignore this message.

I don't have a dial tone on my phone line.

There should be a dial tone both before and after ADSL is activated on your phone line. If there is no dial tone, call your telephone service provider to find out if there is a fault with your line.

Try unplugging and replugging all cables and equipment on your line.

Try unplugging all modems and filters from the line, leaving only one telephone handset plugged in.

Try a different handset on the same line.

If there is still no dial tone, call your telephone service provider to find out if there is a fault with your line.

I don't have line sync.

Has Lizzy Internet notified you that your ADSL service is activated? If you have not yet been notified, call us on 1300 364 074 or (03) 8330 4950 and we'll check your ADSL status for you.

Check that the phone line filter isn't connected to the ADSL modem. (It should be connected to a telephone handset, fax, or analogue modem.)

Is there a dial tone? If there is no dial tone, click here and try these suggestions from further down the page.

Try restarting your modem. If your modem has an On/Off or Power button, use that button to restart the modem. If there is no such button, unplug the modem from its power then plug it back in.

Try restarting your computer.

If you are able to configure your modem, try changing its line encapsulation to Automatic. Try it as G.DMT.

Try a different ADSL modem on the same line.

If there is still no line sync, call us on 1300 364 074 or (03) 8330 4950 to discuss the problem.

I can get line sync but the line sync sometimes drops out.

Click here and try these suggestions from the previous question.

If there is still inconsistent line sync, call us on 1300 364 074 or (03) 8330 4950 to discuss the problem.

I have line sync, but I can't connect.
(You may be seeing session-timeout or Time out while waiting for PADO messages.)

Try restarting your modem. If your modem has an On/Off or Power button, use that button to restart the modem. If there is no such button, unplug the modem from its power then plug it back in.

Try restarting your computer.

Check that your network is functioning. This may involve unplugging and replugging your USB cable, or unplugging and replugging your Ethernet cable and adapter. Most Ethernet adapters have a green light that comes on when the network is functioning.

If there is still no connection, call us on 1300 364 074 or (03) 8330 4950 to discuss the problem.

I'm connected but it's very slow.

Access to some web sites has to go through many servers and many Internet providers, any of which could be a bottleneck.

You should be able to get speeds of 20 KB per second on a 256/64 plan.

You should be able to get speeds of 40 KB per second on a 512/128 plan.

If you're consistently getting speeds much slower than this for all web sites, call us on 1300 364 074 or (03) 8330 4950 to discuss the problem.

I get a lot of session dropouts.

This shouldn't have an effect on your ADSL service, since your modem should automatically reconnect when its session drops out.

Session dropouts might be caused by loose cabling, line noise, or interference.

If this is affecting the quality of your ADSL service, call us on 1300 364 074 or (03) 8330 4950 to discuss.

My ADSL internet is fine but I'm having trouble with phone calls on the same line.

There should be an ADSL phone line filter in between the double adapter and each telephone handset, fax machine, or analogue modem.

Check that the filter isn't connected to the ADSL modem.

Try unplugging the ADSL modem and extra devices from the line, leaving only one telephone handset (with its filter) plugged in.

Try the telephone handset on a different phone line.

Try a different handset on the same line.

If there are still problems with telephone on the ADSL line, call us on 1300 364 074 or (03) 8330 4950 to discuss the problem.

My ADSL internet is fine but when I'm on a phone call using the ADSL line, I can't hear the person at the other end.

Try the suggestions from the previous question.

Other problems?

Call us on 1300 364 074 or (03) 8330 4950 to discuss the problem.

You might also find useful suggestions on one of the following information pages:

  1. Help
  2. Setup the Internet
  3. Setup Email
  4. Dial-up Phone Number
  5. Email Virus Scanning
  6. Email Spam Scanning
  7. Dropouts & Disconnections
  8. Security Software
  9. Free Web Space
  10. Accounts Help
  11. Broadband Help
  12. Dial-up Help
  13. Email Help
  14. Setup Help
  15. Dial-up Turbocharger™ Help